Wednesday, February 3, 2016

First Blog Assignment | My Experiences with Wine

Unlike beer and liquor, wine is truly something I never had an interest in until I actually  turned twenty-one. Most of the wine I had tried before then either came from a bag-in-a-box or a bottle costing under ten dollars. In the past, I have been quite neutral to it; drinking it when offered, but never actively seeking it and I could not say that I necessarily enjoyed the taste when I did get the chance to try some. However, in the past year, I've done a little bit of hands-on research, and here are some of my findings!

At this point, I've probably tried about 25-30 distinct wines. I am not exactly sure if that is a small, medium, or large amount of wines for a twenty-one year old to have tried, but I can tell you this: I cannot actually put a specific taste to the name/brand of any of those wines. I can obviously tell the difference between red and white wine (regardless of the difference in color), but it gets tricky when I try to remember how Brand A's bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon differs from Brand B's bottle. Also, I struggle to really be familiar with the differences between types of wine in general (Pinot Noir vs. Merlot).

The bottom line: I still lack a LOT of knowledge when it comes to wines. I am just beginning to see the distinctions between what I have tried/been trying and have learned a little over the past year, but there is much left to discover and many wines to taste. I am excited to continue this journey, and hope this class will help me in doing so!

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